Mischievous Conducts
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Failed attempt at making a light following robot

Category: By suresh13
In an attempt to make a line following robot, something went horribly wrong. At first i thought i had wired the motors wrong, cuz all it was doing was making rounds. After switching the motor wiring, i ended up it being worse. Now the rounds were even tighter. Reverting back to the original wiring, i finally realised, even though the 2 motors were identical looking, it was spinning at 2 very different speeds.

The result, a 'dumb-dog' robot... chasing its tail. Hahah! Enjoy the failure video.

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2 comments so far.

  1. Unknown October 23, 2007 at 3:08 AM
    Dude, I know the feeling. I've done the same thing myself. Did you ever get it working?
  2. suresh13 October 23, 2007 at 8:14 AM
    Haha.. no. Chucked it aside and got on to other stuff. Am waiting for my servo motors to arrive. Cheers :)

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